W końcu mamy dla was zdięcja naszych outfitów, które robiłyśmy przy obecnej temperaturze -9°C, także nie powiemy, że nie odmarzły nam palce i nie trzęsłyśmy się z zimna, ponieważ tak właśnie było, więc pozostaje nam jedynie mieć nadzieje, że nie złapie nas męczące przeziębienie :D
English version
Time flowing very fast, a weekend that has begun and already is over a stack of books on the weight of science on this week and little time that we could devote ourself. Photography workshops were maybe profitable, but took the most of our free time, which we didn't work out for good, because now we have to sit down and learn with books to somehow survive the school day Monday. We hope that we will remember something of reading , and on a test of physics, which is our black magic, will go well :)
Finally, we have for you photos of our outfits that we did at the current temperature of -9°C and it was freezing cold, so we can only be hoped that flu will not catch us :D
Rox :
Hat - New Yorker / Scarf - Allegro / T-shirt - Primark / Leggings - Cherokee / Jacket - Sky rebel by Sublevel / Bag - H&M / Fox Tail - Carry / Shoes - DeeZee
Marcyś :
Hat and scarf - H&M / T-shirt - H&M / Black shorts - H&M / Tights- Calzedonia / Coat - Primark / Socks - C&A/ Bag - Allegro / Watch - Swatch / Shoes - Select